Mahou Sensei Negima! Serbia
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Mahou Sensei Negima! Serbia

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Broj poruka : 403
Datum upisa : 05.11.2009
Godina : 31

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PočaljiNaslov: Nesto o njoj...   Nesto o njoj... Icon_minitime15th Novembar 2009, 15:26

#26. Evangeline Athanasia Katherine McDowell (エヴァンジェリン) (a.k.a. Eva-chan)

Likes: Tea, Japanese Scenery, Go
Dislikes: Garlic, Class
Clubs: Go Club, Tea Ceremony Club

Huge Notes: (Listed as Evangeline A.K. McDowell), the only Western/Caucasian girl in the class. A cold and devilish small girl, she is actually a criminal witch/vampire nicknamed the "Dark Evangel" and a thousand other names... or so she would have a person believe. She may look like about 10 but she's really over a hundred years old! She rarely ever says much in class, but what she does say tends to lean towards an attempt to seem as evil as possible. However, she DOES have a soft side, which she rarely shows. The only people who can truly say much about Evangeline would be Chachamaru & Chachazero. She enjoy playing Go & is in the Go & Tea Ceremony club. As an interesting note, Mr. Takahata wrote "Ask her advice if you're in trouble" on Negi's class roster. (See Note on Evangeline in Translation Notes) Eva ostensibly hates Negi, although it is due to the fact that his father rejected (indirectly) her love & 15 years ago, he put a powerful curse that seal her magic powers & prevented her from leaving Mahora Academy as punishment for being evil. However she was able to leave the academy once when she & Chachamaru help Negi, Asuna & Setsuna rescue Konoka at Kyoto thanks to the dean who was able to find way to trick the powers that prevented Eva from leaving the academy. Another way for her to leave, is if the entire electricity power at Mahora Academy is shutdown since this power is powering the curse that's been sealing her magic & preventing her to leave. The only way for her to end the curse is if somebody who is powerful like (Negi father) to lift the curse or she has to completely drink Negi's blood (which contain very powerful magic which was passed down from his father) in order to be free from the curse. Given that the identity of Negi's mother is unknown, and given Eva's past with Negi's father, there is a possibility (but a very, very remote one) that Eva might be Negi's mother but it is unlikely since Eva was cursed 15 years ago & Negi was born 10 years ago.
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