Mahou Sensei Negima! Serbia
Mahou Sensei Negima! Serbia
Mahou Sensei Negima! Serbia
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Mahou Sensei Negima! Serbia

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Broj poruka : 403
Datum upisa : 05.11.2009
Godina : 31

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PočaljiNaslov: Nesto o njoj...   Nesto o njoj... Icon_minitime15th Novembar 2009, 15:29

#8. Kagurazaka Asuna (神楽坂 明日菜)

Age: 14
Birthday: April 21st, 1988 (She's 2 days older than me!) Blood Type: B
Nickname: Baka-Ranger Red
Likes/Crush: Takahata-sensei (quite possibly Negi-sensei too)
Dislikes: Ki, Childish Things, Studying
Club: Fine Arts Club
Special Technique: Long Jump Kick

(Lots of) Notes: The irascible dunce and leading female character, and bearing many similarities to Naru Narusegawa. She is also often in conflict with people. Asuna has a crush on her former English teacher, Mr. Takahata, whom Negi replaces. Asuna is in fact an orphan, who was allowed into the school for free by the school dean, yet Asuna still tries to pay for her schooling via a paper route. Much to her chagrin, she is a member of the "Baka Rangers", the nickname for the five lowest scorers in Negi's class. She is the "Red Ranger". She has Heterochromia iridis and as such, her eyes are blue and green. This is considerably more noticeable in the anime, as while in the anime the two eyes are of quite different colors, they are quite similar to each other in the manga version. Asuna is the first to find out about Negi's secret when she saw him saving Nodoka from falling down the stairs. Negi and Asuna had a very shaky relationship from the start but later improved, with Negi being like a little brother to her and Asuna being like a big sister/guardian to him; their relationship seems to, very occasionally, show hints at eventually developing into a less platonic one. Asuna is the first person that Negi made a probationary contract with. Her artifact was supposed to be a giant sword, but turned out to be a giant fan instead; she nevertheless wields it with gusto and effectiveness. However, the sword first appear when Asuna was worried and tried to save Negi from the sharks in chapter 61, which means that emotions play a role to her summoning the sword. She has immunity to most magic against her such as love potions or petrification spells. Asuna may have met the Thousand Master as a child before which may explain her strong magic immunity.
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